Therapeutic Approach

My aim is to create a safe, non-judgmental, collaborative therapeutic space. The therapist-client relationship is an integral part of the therapeutic process, and although the nature of therapy means that the process is not always easy, I would like my clients to feel comfortable and respected.

I work from an eclectic, holistic perspective. I place importance on the emotional, psychological, cognitive, social and physical aspects of mental health. My clinical training at university focused primarily on psychodynamic theories and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). Other important influences on my work include attachment theory, sensorimotor psychotherapy and mindfulness practices.  

For individual therapy and trauma processing, my work often includes the use of Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). EMDR was developed in the 1980s by Francine Shapiro to treat trauma, and has since been used successfully to treat a wide range of mental illnesses and life challenges, using techniques which help to activate individuals’ strengths and healing processes. It involves both improving individuals' internal resources and strengths, as well as facilitating healing for areas that are causing distress or difficulties. I have found EMDR can be a very helpful technique in helping clients achieve their desired changes, and in facilitating shifts in places or memories that feel 'stuck'. In particular, as EMDR incorporates focus on the body, it can be helpful for releasing trauma that is stored in the body, which often cannot be resolved using talk therapy alone.

In addition, I am trained in BrainWorking Recursive Therapy, which is a more recently developed therapy and can also be a very helpful technique in releasing trauma and shifting unhelpful patterns.  

It is important to me to keep learning about methods and techniques that have been found to be effective in relieving clients' psychological difficulties. I value the body of ongoing scientific research in this area, and also appreciate the knowledge and experiences of other psychologists. Continued reading, supervision and training are integral in my continued development as a therapist. Clients are also essential sources of learning, and I aim to always stay open to the knowledge and experiences of my clients. I do my best to be flexible, and to ensure that the particular interventions I use are in line with each individual client’s specific needs and best interests.    

Brittany Everitt-Penhale |  Registered as a clinical psychologist with the Health Professions Council South Africa: PS0137626  |  Registered with the Board of Healthcare Funders, Practice Number: 0786004